Interpreter vs Translator – What Are the Differences?

Many people believe that interpreting and translating are the same thing, however, this is not the case. Similarly, this means that a translator and an interpreter are not the same people. They do different things because there are a few key differences between interpreting and translating that separate them. Keep reading below to discover all of the differences between translation and interpretation.
What are Interpreters?
When discussing the differences between an interpreter and a translator, you must understand each of the concepts individually first before comparing interpreter vs. translator. Let’s start with an interpreter.
Interpreters specialize in oral speech and converting the original speech into the target language. This is difficult work and is more complicated than simply being fluent in both languages. Interpreters must also be able to communicate the tone and style of the speaker while simultaneously considering the cultural, setting, and dialect differences between the two languages.
Oftentimes interpreters specialize in a certain subject area. This could be law, business, medicine, theater, science, or literature for example. This specialization means the interpreter has extensive knowledge of the subject, words, and jargon that are used in the source and target languages.
What is a Translator?
Now let’s focus on the details of a translator. A translator works with written sources. This usually means they can translate any kind of document into the target language. It could be a legal document, a written speech, a website, or a birth certificate for example.
Translators can usually only work from the source language to the target language and not the way back. Typically the native language is the target language they can translate to. So, for example, a Spanish translator can translate documents from French to Spanish but not always from Spanish to French.
Translators can also often specialize in a subject area. With important documents specifically being able to convey the content and intent of the words is imperative. If there is even the slightest error it could mean trouble for the owner of the document. This is also why translators are usually excellent writers in their native language.
The Difference Between Interpreter and Translator
The difference between translator and interpreter must be clear now. Translators work in the written word and interpreters work with spoken language. Both interpreter and translator go from one source language to another target language, and oftentimes specialize in different areas.
Also, interpreters can often work bidirectionally, meaning they can go from the source language to the target language and back. Translators, on the other hand, are usually only able to translate documents from one language to another and not back again.
Translation vs. Interpretation
So, while translators and interpreters do different jobs, is there a difference between when you translate vs. interpret? In simple terms, the answer is no. Translation and interpretation both take information from one language and change it to a different language.
For example, if you were looking for a Korean translation of a written speech you would go to a translation company, but if you wanted that same speech translated while you said it out loud then you would find an interpreter.
So when you compare translate vs. interpret there aren’t too many differences to talk about. These words can be used interchangeably and people will understand what you are trying to say; you want something in one language to be changed to another. It just depends on if you are looking for a spoken word interpreter to imitate your tone or a written translator to get across the content and intent of the words.
Language Translation in Canada
With so many languages found in Canada, there are plenty of reasons people seek out translators and interpreters. It is essentially a necessity to translate from English to French Canadian in this country. As the two official languages, almost everything needs to be in both of these to make any headway with consumers.
Final Thoughts
It’s important to understand the difference between translator vs. interpreter. They do different things and can help you in different ways. Translators work with written sources and can usually only translate in one direction. Interpreters work with the spoken language and oftentimes can go both ways in interpretation. Both of them have specialty areas so for important things make sure you get an expert to help you.